Mgr. Alena Rochovská, PhD.
phone: +421/2/60 296 9163
room: CH1-B1/4
Current and recent research projects:
2019 - 2021 Analysis of Barriers in Access to Employment for Marginalized Groups of Population: Selected regions of Slovakia in socio-economic, geographic and socio-anthropological perspective. APVV-17-0141
2016 - 2020 Intergenerational social networks in an aging city - continuity and innovation. APVV-15-0184
2017 - 2019 Participative formats of geography education at universities. . KEGA
2015 - 2018 Methodology and assessment of impacts of cohesion policy on marginalized Roma communities: analysis of the results and forecasts of further development. VEGA-2/0089/15
2013 - 2015 An inclusive model of education in pre-primary levels of education. National Ministry of Education project (project evaluator)
2013-2014 Guide of qualitative and quantitative methodology in geography - how to effectively interpret and seek answers to the research questions. KEGA project (principal investigator)
2012 Young people from orphanages - exploring their strategies and needs. KomPrax - competence for practice. National project, IUVENTA (principal investigator).
2012 Specifics of the needs of young homeless people in Bratislava area. KomPrax - competence for practice. National project, IUVENTA (principal investigator).
2008-2011 One place - many worlds: geographic variability of life strategies in Slovak society. VEGA project (principal investigator).
2010-2011 Life strategies of the population in the poor and socially excluded Roma settlements. VEGA V-10-407-00 (member of the research team)
2009-2011 Preparation of the new curriculum in English: "Geography of societies in transformation". KEGA project (principal investigator)
2007-2008 Establishment of national indicators on poverty and social exclusion for MPSVaR. (principal investigator)
2005-2007 Social Exclusion, Spaces of Household Economic Practice and Post-Socialism, research project at Queen Mary, University of London, funded by the U.K. Economic and Social Research Council (Research Fellow)
2002-2004 Widening Opportunities for Women. Socrates Grundtvig project (principal investigator)
Social geography (master level)Sociology (undergraduate level)
Geography of Transitive Societies(master level)
Qualitative research methods in human geography (master level)
Economic and Social Geography (master level)
Diploma seminar (bachelor/master level)
2016 Study of the United StatesInstitute on U.S. Culture and Society, New York University, United States2010 - Ph.D. in Regional geography, Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Sciences.
1996 – MSc. in Geography and Mathematics – Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Sciences
1996 – 2004 PhD study/research - Department of Human Geography and Demogeography, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University, Bratislava2005-2006 - research fellow - Geography Department, Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom
2007 - lecturer/ scientific Researcher - Department of Human Geography and Demogeography, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University, Bratislava
Further information:
2007 The Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography Annual Award for New and Emerging Scholars.Selected publications:
ROCHOVSKÁ, A. KOTRASOVÁ, M. (2010). The emergence of poverty in the world of increasing inequalities, In: Panorama of global security environment 2010, Bratislava : Centre for European and North Atlantic Affairs, 2011 S. 561-575
STENNING, A., SMITH, A., ROCHOVSKÁ, A., SWIATEK, D. 2010. Credit, Debt and Everyday Financial Practices: Low-Income Households in Two Postsocialist Cities. Economic Geography. ISSN 0013-0095, Vol. 86, No. 1, s. 119-145.
STENNING, A., SMITH, A., ROCHOVSKÁ, A., SWIATEK, D. 2010. Domesticating neo-liberalism. Spaces of economic practice and social reproduction in post-socialist cities. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-1-4051-6991-2
ROCHOVSKÁ, A., MADZINOVÁ, M. (2009). Qualitative research – the method for research in urban social geography. Geographia Cassoviensis, ročník III, 2/2009, UPJŠ v Košiciach. 2009. ISSN 1337-6748
SMITH, A., STENNING, A., ROCHOVSKA, A. and SWIATEK, D. (2008): The emergence of a working poor: labour markets, neoliberalization and diverse economies in post-socialist cities. In: Smith, A., Stenning, A., Willis, K. (eds) Social justice and neoliberalism. Zed books, London, New York. ISBN: 978-1-84277-920-0.
ROCHOVSKÁ, A., HORŇÁK, M. (2008): Poverty and its perception in marginal regions in Slovakia. In: Geografia Cassoviensis II, 1/2008, Univerzita P. J. Šafárika v Košiciach, pp. 152-156. ISSN 1337 - 6748.
SMITH, A., STENNING, A., ROCHOVSKA, A. AND SWIATEK, D. (2007). The emergence of a working poor: Labour markets, neoliberalisation and diverse economies in post-socialist cities. Antipode, Vol. 40, Issue 2, pp. 283-311.
BLAŽEK, M., ROCHOVSKÁ, A. (2006): Feminist geographies. Geografika, Bratislava, p. 188.
» Selected publications from Alena Rochovská are available in Slovak version of this page |