doc. RNDr. Vladimír Slavík, CSc.
phone: +421/2/60 296 9388
room: CH1/B1-10
The scientific specialization:Settlement Geography, Urban Geography
Geography of Public Administration
Cross-border and foreign-partner cooperation
2003 - 2005 Projekt VEGA 1/0116/03: Spatial plans and urban planning in the Slovakia in the transformation stage, project leader
2006 - 2008 Projekt VEGA 1/3048/06: Suburbanization of cities in Slovakia as part o suburbanization in the middle Europe, project leader
2011 - 2013 Projekt VEGA No. 1/0965/11 Microregions - spatial units for communal reform in the Slovak Republic
2015 - 2017 Project VEGA No. 1/0391/15 Urban Agglomerations in Slovak Republic
2016 Project for the Statistical Office of the SR and INFOSTAT: SLAVÍK, V. - TREBICHAVSKÝ, V. Proposal of territorial preparation for the census of inhabitants, houses and flats 2021 and suggestions for processing the results, researcher
2019 ZMOS project: Modernization of local territorial self-government, co-researcher
2019 Project NÚCEM: International project for the assessment of adult competencies (PIAAC2) under the auspices of the OECD, researcher of the selection of a representative sample for the Slovak Republic
2020 - 2021 Project ZOMOS: Delivering Good Governance in Slovakia, teaching activities, participation in the creation of the Draft Strategy for Strengthening Municipal Self-Government ...
Cross-border and Foreign Partnership CooperationDiploma Seminar
Geography of Settlements
Geography of Public Administration
Settlement systems
Basic school in Skalica (1969)Middle school in Skalici (1971)
Master - Faculty of Natural Sciences Comenius University Bratislava (1976)
PhD - Faculty of Natural Sciences Comenius University Bratislava (1986)
Research worker II. (from 1978)Scientific worker II. (from 1987)
University teacher (from 1988)
Doc. (from 2003)
» Selected publications from Vladimír Slavík are available in Slovak version of this page |