Mgr. Juraj Majo, PhD.

Demogeography division

phone: +421/2/60 296 9180
room: CH1/B1-7


ethnicity and ethnic identity, historical demography, geography of religion, nonreligion, thematic cartography
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MSc. degree
Historical Demography of Slovakia (1st semester)
Field Research in Human Geography and Demography (2nd semester)
World Religions, Religiosity, and Secularization (3rd semester of teacher training)
Geography of Religions (3rd semester)
Geography of economic, social and political change (4th semester)

BSc. degree
Demographic Development: Selected Causes and Consequences (3rd semester of teacher training)
Selected Chapters from Social and Cultural Anthropology (3rd semester of teacher training)
Demography and Population Studies (4th semester)
Excursion from Physical and Human Geography (4th semester of teacher training)
Current Issues in Geography and Demography of Slovakia (4th semester)
Families, Households and Selected Structures (4th semester)
Excursion - Geography and Demography of Slovakia (4th semester)
Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology (5th semester)
Cultural Geography of Slovakia - Selected Issues (5th semester)


2010 - Ph.D. in Regional geography, Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Sciences. Dissertation thesis: Ethnicity, family, and space. Selected geographical coherences.
2006 – MSc. in Geography and Cartography – Human Geography and Demography, Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Sciences


since 2010 - assistant professor

academic stays

2022 - English Teacher Training + Academic Writing & Presentation Skills, Galway Cultural Institute, Galway, Írsko 2015 - "Adding the Geographic Context to Demographic Analysis" summer course, Centre for Economic Demography, Lund University, Sweden
2014 - Religion in the U.S.: Pluralism and Public Presence, University of California, Santa Barbara - summer school
2010 - University of Pécs, Hungary - summer school
2009 – semestral stay at the University of Szeged, Hungary (Erasmus programme)
2007 – Hungarian and Central European International Studies Center University of Szeged, Hungary – summer school

Further information:


since 2020 - Geograficky casopis (Geographical Journal) - member of editorial board

selected publications:


Historický atlas Evanjelickej a.v. cirkvi na Slovensku (Historical Atlas of the Lutheran Church in Slovakia) / Dagmar Kusendová ...[et al.] Liptovský Mikuláš: Tranoscius. 2012

World and its peoples : Central Europe / Ivan Bičík ... [et al.]. Tarrytown : Marshal Cawendish Corporation, 2010

Populačný vývoj Slovenska na prelome tisícročí - kontinuita či nová éra? (Population Development of Slovakia at the Turn of Millenniums – Continuity or New Era?)/ Branislav Bleha ... [et al.] Bratislava : Geo-grafika, 2009

chapters in books

Voľanská, Ľ, Káčerová, M., Majo, J. 2021. On Nearness and Distance. Seniors´ life in Urban Areas in Slovakia. In Grammshammer-Hohl, D., Hergenröther, O. (eds.). Foreign Countries of Old Age: East and Southeast European Perspectives on Aging. Bielefeld: transcript verlag, pp. 149-178.

Symbiosis in Diversity: The Specific Character of Slovakia´s Religious Landscape. Brunn, S. (ed.). 2015. The Changing World Religion Map. Dordrecht: Springer Science, pp. 415-438.


Majo, J. 2023. Old and New Paths of Religiosity for Slovakia and for Hungarians in Slovakia. Hungarian Journal of Minority Studies VI/2023, 65-84

Zachar Podolinská, T., Majo, J. 2022. How to Approach (Non)Religion and Labelling Categories that Continue to be Fuzzy (Theoretical and Numerical Take Off). Slovenský národopis / Slovak Ethnology 70, 4, 447-474.

Majo, J. 2022. “Well, I Have to Believe In Myself; Otherwise, It Makes No Sense” – An Outline to the Path of Non-religiousness of Young People in Slovakia. Slovenský národopis / Slovak Ethnology, 70, 4, 493-506

Zachar Podolinská, T., Tížik, M., Majo, J. 2019 Religiosity in Slovakia: Structure, Dynamics,and Spatial Diversification. Central European Journal of Contemporary Religion 2019, 1, 1-33

Voľanská, Ľ., Káčerová, M., Majo, J. 2019. People, space and culture – dimensions of intergenerational relationships. Introduction. Slovenský národopis / Slovak Ethnology, 67, 2, s. 122-143.

Majo, J. 2018. Giving Ethnic Diversity its Spatial and Temporal Meaning – Examples from Slovakia Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review 50, 6, pp. 672-692.

Niekoľko poznámok k fenoménu etnicity v súčasnej slovenskej humánnej geografii (Some Remarks about the Ethnicity Concept in Current Slovakian Human Geography).Acta Geographica Universitatis Comenianae, 2014, 58, 2, pp. 149-172.

Vybrané charakteristiky transformácie religiozity na Slovensku v rokoch 1950-2001 vo vzťahu k sekularizácii (Some characteristics of the secularizing process in Slovakia (1950 vs. 2001) Geografický časopis, 65, 3 (2013), pp. 217-234.

Shrinking Minority? Slovak Lutherans Fighting with Secularism / Juraj Majo. Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies. 10, 30 (2011), pp.39-55.

Cobwebs in pews - religion, identity, and space in Western Gemer region in Central Slovakia. Acta Facultatis studiorum humanitatis et naturae Universitatis Prešoviensis. Prírodné vedy, roč. 50. Folia Geographica 15, Prešov : Prešovská univerzita, 2010. pp. 55-68

Ethnic Diversity of the population of Slovakia / Juraj Majo, Marcel Horňák Europa XXI. Regional Development in Central Europe - Cohesion or Competitiveness, No. 16 (2007), pp. 191-198

Space and ethnic identity transmission: case study from Galanta district in Slovakia."New" Europe and challenges of sustainable development, Bratislava : Geografika, 2009, pp. 84-93

» Selected publications from Juraj Majo are available in Slovak version of this page