
Geography studies at the Faculty of Natural Sciences at Comenius University have the longest tradition in Slovakia. The department is the largest (about 20 teachers and researchers) and the only one specialising in research and teaching all branches of human geography (e.g. economic, social, political, urban, transport, and cultural geography) and demography (population structures and processes, demographic forecasting, population policies). Students obtain extensive training in analytical skills, statistics and data science, geoinformatics application and public policy evaluations and formulations.

Bachelor's programme

We offer one undergraduate degree programme with two specializations focusing on economic and political geography and demography. The standard length of the study is 3 years (full-time), and it is leading to an internationally recognized Bachelor‘s degree programme:

Economic and Political Geography and Demography
1 - Economic and Political Geography
2 - Demography, Migration and Human Resources
Deadline for application is March 15 2024

» For more details see:

Master's programme

We offer one master's degree programme with two specializations. The standard length of study is 2 years, and it is leading to an internationally recognized Master‘s degree programme:

Economic and Social Geography, Demography and Territorial Development
1 – Economic, Social and Political Geography and Territorial Development
2 – Demography and Population Geography
Deadline for application is May 31 2024

» For more details see:

Doctoral (PhD) programme

We offer one internationally recognized doctoral degree programme (4 years standard length / 5 years distant study):

Human Geography and Demography
The deadline for applications is May 31 2024.

Our doctoral programme is open worldwide. Applicants are applying on proposed research themes related to departmental research priorities. The department usually provides 2 scholarships a year following valid regulation (now about 1000 EUR per month, for the duration of the doctoral studies in full time form) to best applicants. Doctoral students have at disposal all departmental facilities (including A0 printing, specialized software, extensive spatial datasets), obtain own “chair and table” within the department, PC etc. They are participating in departmental teaching and research. They can compete for additional research grants provided by Comenius University research support scheme (in average about 1000 EUR a year), not mentioning other external research funding schemes.

» For more details see:

Each candidate for the doctoral studies at the department can support her/his application (besides necessary documents required by the faculty - see by submitting following additional materials on voluntary, non-obligatory base, depending on applicant consideration.
We will welcome:
  • letter of motivation - explaining reasons for interests to study selected topic (two pages maximum) - send signed scanned document;
  • up to two (academic) reference letters by including the referees signature, on institutional headed paper - as scanned documents (with e-mail contact of reviewer for potential verification); or reference letter sent directly by the referee;
  • writing sample in English - own authorised text e. g. thesis, article; send as pdf files, or provide us with the link where such text is accessible.
Candidates can send additional materials to the e-mail address of the Head of the Department - until the end of May 2024, or submit them to the Application Commission personally during the interview.

General information for prospective student:
Our graduates successfully compete for jobs in public, private as well as non-profit sectors. We pay extensive attention to training in various aspects of territorial development, planning, management and various spatial public policies (regional policy, urban policy, rural development policy, EU policies). Immanent part of training is developing of analytical skills and application of geoinformatics. Our training reflects challenges of current world - uneven development, diversity, migration, globalization, social networks, technological innovations impact etc. All students have opportunity to get scholarships, based primarily on their education performance during whole period of study.

The study in Slovak language is free for all foreign student (specific conditions concerns PhD studies). This opportunity is frequently used by students with Slovak background living abroad, or students familiar with Slavic languages - mostly from Czechia, Poland, Ukraine, Russia etc. For these students' intensive courses of Slovak are available for quick adaptation. Our department welcomes increasing international atmosphere.

The department provides selected courses in English, primarily for rising number of Erasmus+ students (e.g. in demography, economic and social geography, urban economics and local development, geography of transitive societies).

We know that visiting a department, faculty site, university and Bratislava, it can be a very useful experience in making decision to study here. We provide opportunities for prospective students to visit us during "open doors day". If you are interested in independent visit let us know in advance.

For more details contact:,

See also:;